Category Archives: 2014 Sermons

No Room At The Inn (Luke 2:1-18)

Christmas Eve INTRODUCTION:       Here we are. Christmas Eve and there is still No Room At The Inn. This is the night of a story that is so new, so fresh that it seems to electrify the air with anticipation and expectation.       And yet it is a story and message which is so old… Read More »

Room For A Savior? (Luke 2:22-33)

3rd Sunday of Advent Room At The Inn Series INTRODUCTION:       Years ago a young man was riding a bus from Chicago to Miami. He had a stop-over in Atlanta. While he was sitting at the lunch counter, a woman came out of the ladies’ rest room carrying a tiny baby. She walked up to… Read More »

Is There Room For Christmas? (Luke 2:1-7; John 1:1-5)

1st Sunday in Advent Room at the Inn Series INTRODUCTION:       A 6-year-old little girl emerged from her Sunday school class with a toothless grin on her face and a piece of candy and a new pencil in her hands. “Guess what?” she said to Mom, “I was the best listener today. I won the… Read More »

Celebrating Generosity (Mark 12:38-44)

Generous Hearts Stewardship Series #4 INTRODUCTION:       A number of years I read a newspaper article from Indianapolis about a wealthy widow, Mrs. Marjorie Jackson, was found dead in her home. She was dressed in flannel pajamas and a housecoat, was found on the kitchen floor. There was no foul play involved. But the strange… Read More »

Trusting God’s Generosity (2 Corinthians 1:20-22)

Generous Hearts Stewardship Series #3 INTRODUCTION:       There’s an old story about a hiker who was hiking in the mountains along a trail that edged along a cliff face. As luck would have it, the edge crumbled and broke and the hiker started to fall. Luckily there was a small tree growing out of the… Read More »

The Challenge Of Generosity (Luke 6:36-38, Malachi 3:10)

Generous Hearts Stewardship Series #2 INTRODUCTION: PRAYER       I want to read a little book to you by one of my favorite children’s authors, Judith Viorst. She’s best known for her book Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day, which was made into a movie and is in theaters, now.       This… Read More »

Generous Hearts (1 Timothy 6:11-19)

Generous Hearts Stewardship Series #1 INTRODUCTION:       Have you all heard about the Preacher who stood up one morning and told his congregation. “This morning we’ll have an interactive service. I’ve prepared 3 different sermons for today. First I’ve prepared a fifty dollar fire and brimstone sermon which is about two hours long.”       “Second… Read More »

Every Day God: Enables (1 Corinthians 1:18-31)

Life With An EDGE: An Every Day God #3 INTRODUCTION:       I remember reading a book of letters from children to their pastor. One of them read: “Dear Preacher, I’d like to bring my dog to church on Sunday. She is only a mutt, but she is a good Christian. Love, Sissy. PS I’m sorry… Read More »

Every Day God Equips (John 14:15-27)

Life With An EDGE: An Every Day God #2 INTRODUCTION:      I grew up in construction. My Dad worked in construction either for someone else or later for his own construction company. I learned about tools and how to use them early on. If Dad was working on something and hollered for a Magillacuddy’s double-barreled… Read More »