Category Archives: 2015 Sermons

To Dream Dreams (Matthew 2:13-16)

Final Sunday Sermon before my Retirement INTRODUCTION:      I ran across an old story about a college football coach who’d gone undefeated all season. At dinner one night, the college president who was praising him up one side and down the other for having the best season the college had ever had. The president told… Read More »

Do Good” (1 Peter 3:10-17)

Youth Mission Trip Sunday INTRODUCTION:      As you know, today is Youth Mission Trip Sunday but it’s also Father’s Day. And I think that’s a fitting video to begin the message and the youth report and testimonies with because, were it not for the examples of Fathers, Mothers, Grandfathers and Grandmothers of these youth, they may… Read More »

Compliments Of The House (Psalm 23:6b)

Following the Shepherd #6 in Series INTRODUCTION: PRAYER       An elderly man in Florida called his son in New York one November day. The father said to the son, “I hate to tell you, but we’ve got troubles here at home. Your mother and I can’t stand each other anymore, and we’re getting a divorce.… Read More »

Same Table Different Chairs (John 15:11-17)

Communion Sumday PRAYER      I don’t remember where I found this quote but Bishop Fulton J. Sheen once asked a missionary from one of the islands in the Pacific which was the greatest virtue of the people whom he helped there. The Missionary answered, “I can tell you their greatest virtue in terms of what they regard as their greatest vice, namely ‘Kai-Po,’ which is the sin of eating alone.”      According to the missionary, some of the people… Read More »

Followed By Mercy (Psalm 23:6a)

Following the Shepherd #5 in Series INTRODUCTION:      Leadership Magazine had a story about a Christian Grammar School in Wheaton, Illinois. The third and fourth-graders were asked to complete the following sentence: “By faith, I know that God is …” Amanda answered: “forgiving, because he forgave in the Bible, and he forgave me when I went in the… Read More »

With Overflowing Cup (Psalm 23:5)

Following the Shepherd #4 in Series INTRODUCTION:      Everywhere we look we can see the presence of God, if we look through the eyes of faith. Through the Holy Spirit, God reminds us of the unconditional love God has for us. Through the Holy Spirit we feel the presence of Jesus, our Savior, walking with… Read More »

Close Enough For Comfort (Psalm 23:4)

Following the Shepherd #3 in Series INTRODUCTION:      A little girl asked her father if he was afraid of the dark. He told her no. She asked if he was afraid of snakes. He said “No.” The little girl asked if he was afraid of long, slimy worms. Her father again told her he wasn’t… Read More »

By Right Paths (Psalm 23:3b)

Following the Shepherd #2 in Series INTRODUCTION:      Rev. Dicky Love tells the story of an overworked mother of three active little boys. She was playing in the yard with her boys one afternoon when her neighbor came by to borrow a cup of sugar. One of her boys aimed his play pistol at his… Read More »

A Soul Restored (Psalm 23:1-2a)

Following the Shepherd #1 in Series INTRODUCTION:      A young woman shared the story of her mother who has a fear of tunnels which isn’t unusual. Anyway, one Spring this Mother had to drive the Pennsylvania Turnpike to visit her daughter at college. Knowing the mother’s fear of tunnels, the daughter was a little concerned about… Read More »

A Worthy Life (Philippians 1:21-30)

Embrace the Grace #2 in Series INTRODUCTION:      Once there was a church in a small town much like ours. One Sunday morning, the minister was rather preoccupied. His sermon did not make as much sense as it usually did. As the congregation listened, they became concerned about him.      At the close of the… Read More »